Ewa Sonnet is such a popular model that I was surprised to see that she is only 25 years old. By this, I mean that she has accomplished much and has...ah, skip it.
Just click the picture and take a good look...and have a nice weekend!
Geraldine Hoff Doyle was famous, but didn't know it until years later!
First, I should mention that Geraldine Hoff Doyle died on Sunday, She was 86.
We know Geraldine as the "face" on the famous Rosie The Riveter"/"Yes We Can" Poster...although she never knew that her image was used on the WWII poster until almost 40 years later!
As a 17-year-old in 1942, Geraldine was working as a metal presser at a Michigan factory when she was captured on film by a United Press photographer. The image for the poster was drawn by graphic artist J. Howard Miller and used on a motivational poster. It later became iconic during the feminist movement during the latter half of the century. Geraldine did not have a clue about the “Rosie The Riveter” poster until the 1980s when she saw her own face staring back at in within the pages of a magazine.
Her image's poster is being used on a postage stamp.
To my knowledge, Geraldine was never compensated, in any way, for the use of her image. This is wrong.
I haven't spent a lotta time thinking about this, but apparently some folks are interested in pictures of our President with no shirt.
I must admit (seriously) that the guy looks good, for his age. You may remember when he took his family to (or near) the Gulf Of Mexico and went swimming. We saw pictures - taken by the official White House photographer - of the President and daughter Sasha, in the water. The pictures were taken from the neck up. The Prez was in the water in every picture!
Prior to the President's vacation. the White House delivered “strict instructions” to the press pool not to use telescopic lenses to photograph the president on his vacation in Hawaii. According to The New York Times, the White House doesn’t want any “sneaky attempts to take pictures of a shirtless leader of the free world.”
Isn't this the kind of stuff that Paris Hilton would worry about?
We can only speculate on how a shirtless image of Obama would affect national security, the war, the economy, etc.
While the rest of the country is "losing its shirt," he wants to be see with his on!
This is disturbing - to me. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is seriously considering a formal pardon of Billy The Kid!
Richardson leaves office at the end of the week. He's served 2 terms as Governor of New Mexico and this is what's on his mind as he finishes up?
I know very little about Richardson, but he sounds like he's just another screwball politician who is out of touch with reality.
Gov. Bill says that Billy the Kid made a deal in 1879 to testify in an important case. The deal was made with Governor Lew Wallace. (You get extra credit if you recognize Lew Wallace as the author of "Ben Hur.") In return, The Kid gets a full pardon. Mr. The Kid agreed but skipped town and was shot down by Sheriff Pat Garrett on July 14, 1881. Descendants of Garrett's have been vocal opponents to the pardon.
Billy the Kid was born Henry McCarty in New York City in 1859. As a young boy, his family moved west. He was very good at killing people and at escaping from prison. He changed his name to William Bonney as he traveled the west, killing people and raising hell. Billy The Kid died at age 21.
A pardon makes no sense. A pardon is a personal insult to the descendants of his victims and to all good people who think that murder is a bad thing.
Can we let sleeping dogs lie and take care of more important things?
I mentioned this woman in June of this year. Well, Donna Simpson is at it again!
First, some background. Donna is a 43 year old mother of two living in Old Bridge, New Jersey. Last summer she weighed in at 602 pounds with a goal of reaching 1,000 pounds. Since we last talked about Donna, Guinness has noted that she is officially the heaviest woman to ever give birth. This was in 2007 when she weighed 532 pounds and a team of 30 medical personnel delivered her daughter by Cesarean section.
Donna makes news for her unbelievable Christmas feast. It contained 30,000 calories. According to the London Telegraph, her dinner consisted of "two 11kg (25lb) turkeys, two maple-glazed hams, 6.8kg (15lbs) of potatoes - 4.5kg (10lbs) roast, 2.3kg (5lbs) mashed, five loaves of bread, 2.3kg of herb stuffing, three litres of gravy, three litres of cranberry dressing and an astonishing 9kg (20lbs) of vegetables" and the dessert consisted of "a 'salad' made of marshmallow, cream cheese, whipped cream and cookies." The dinner reportedly took Simpson two hours to consume.
Simpson has high blood pressure and diabetes and says that she is in good health. You can visit her web site at www.donnamsimpson.com. At her site you will have the opportunity to pay to watch her eat!
I wonder if she knows about the Golden Corral all-you-can-eat restaurant chain?
Terry Duncan hasn't lived in Milwaukee for a very long time, but he learned that there are at least two words that you cannot say on a Milwaukee bus.
One of the words starts with F and the other with S. An undercover Sheriff Department Deputy threw Duncan off the bus and slapped him with a $500 summons.
Duncan says that he did not direct the words toward any individual and that he was unaware of the law.
A spokesman for the Sheriff's department says that the statute's violation is a quality-of-life issue.
I applaud the Sheriff's enforcement of this law! The way that some people speak in public is fornicated up!
We at the blog hope that you had a very nice holiday weekend!
Apparently, Playboy Founder & Publisher, Hugh Hefner was enjoying himself as he announced to the world that he is engaged to Crystal Harris. That's Crystal, being featured as our Monday Morning Eye Opener or as we commonly refer to it as our Monday Foto.
Crystal is a 24 year old model. We are not sure if she will continue with her modeling career.
As usual, click the image to get the full effect...and have a nice week!
Hugh Hefner made it official, this morning. On Twitter, he announced his engagement to Playmate Crystal Harris saying, "When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears...this is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory...I got what I was hoping for for Christmas...Crystal's love."
For those of you who are keeping score, at home, Hefner is 84, Chrystal Harris is 24.
This is proof that Hef has still "got it!"
What is "it?"
Money...lots and lots of money...
Bristol Palin bought a house, this month, in Arizona. It's a five bedroom house, 3900 square feet with a three car garage in the Cobblestone Farms development of Maricopa, Arizona just south of Phoenix. The 20 year old Palin is listed as the sole owner.
Looks like she got a deal! She spent $177,000. Built in 2006, the home originally sold for $330,000. It has been mentioned that she intends to take some courses at Arizona State University.
Journalism, I think....with maybe a few courses on Ballroom Dancing?
I think that society is getting dumber and dumber.
Take the case of 20 year old Jerome Taylor. This Jerome Taylor is not to be confused with the famous cricket player.
The Jerome Taylor in our little story claims to be a 20 year old baby daddy and says he owns an I-phone.
He "makes the news" by attempting to rob an Indian Restaurant in New London, Connecticut, last Wednesday, at 4:30 PM. Jerome was wearing a mask as he waved a weapon and demanded cash. Meanwhile, the restaurant's cooks were preparing dinner and came at him with knives. Jerome, seeing the knives, stopped and apologized, said that he needed money to feed his kid, and then, ran. When cops caught Jerome, he said that he didn't have a gun, he was using his I-Phone.
A couple of things, here, Jerome...why would you try to rob a restaurant before dinner? Wouldn't you do better after dinner, when the place had some money?
Also, if you can afford an I-phone, you should be able to feed your own child.
The restaurant staff insisted that no charges be pressed because they felt bad for Jerome. He was, however, charged with attempted robbery and interfering with an officer.
In keeping with the season and more specifically, tomorrow, I have decided that this week's Friday Foto should have a Christmas theme.
What says "Christmas" more than one of God's greatest creations wearing a Santa-type outfit!
I don't know her name, but I do know that you can get a better look by clicking the image.
Merry Christmas!
In my part of the world, we are obsessed with having snow on Christmas. I'm not sure why....I'll blame it on Bing Crosby. After all, he's the guy who was dreaming of a White Christmas. As kids, we were taught that it snowed on the first Christmas when Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Well, aided with Internet technology, I am able to tell you that the weather is a lot nicer in Bethlehem than it was all those years ago:
Christmas Eve: Clear Low 45
Christmas Day: Sunny High 66
Would Al Roker or Willard Scott give you this kind of information?
I don't think so!
The Royal Mint has unveiled the official commemorative coin marking the occasion of the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The queen's image is on one side and on the other is what you see on the right.
Who are these people? Gimme a break! Did they draw the images from memory?
I found a picture...on the Internet, of the two, in a somewhat similar pose.
What do you think?
The Queen and the couple actually approved the artwork.
Bad work, guys.
Now, if you want to see a neat looking image on a coin, check out the bottom picture!
Christmas weekend and things can get a little tricky. Some teams have already clinched a playoff spot, some are fighting for one and others have nothing to lose. This means that the best teams may not win. Coming after last week's 7 & 9 record...I'm picking 'em like I have nothing to lose.....
Carolina at PITTSBURGH
DALLAS at arizona
NEW ENGLAND at buffalo
JETS at chicago
BALTIMORE at cleveland
washington at JACKSONVILLE
tennessee at KANSAS CITY
DETROIT at miami
SAN FRANCISCO at st. louis
SAN DIEGO at cincinnati
houston at DENVER
GIANTS at green bay
seattle at TAMPA BAY
minnesota at PHILADELPHIA
NEW ORLEANS at atlanta
This really happened. It's probably not unique when you consider the amount of short tempered egotistical irresponsible jerks that we have running our local cities and towns...
Tom Coulter filed a complaint back in 2008 saying he was charged $5 for a CD recording of a boring city council meeting, when he should have only been charged the cost of the physical CD, amounting to about 96 cents.
The case went to court and dragged on & on and when Coulter won the case, the City of Bridgewater, New Jersey ended up paying $14,000 in defense fees, $3,500 to Coulter for his fees, and on top of that, a $4.04 refund for the pricey CD. That's a loss of $17,504.04.
It used to be, "You can't fight City Hall!" Now you can...as long as you are right and as long as your lawyer is smarter than theirs!
Sad news. Fred Foy died, today, he was 89.
So, you're saying, yeah, that's sad, but who was Fred Foy?
Well, you heard his voice hundreds of times. You've heard people mimic his work...hundreds of times. Fred Foy was the voice that did the hearty introduction to "The Lone Ranger" on both TV and Radio. You know, "A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty 'Hi-Yo Silver!' ... The Lone Ranger!" This, of course was voiced over Rossini's William Tell Overture - an unlikely musical selection for a western - but it worked!
Click here to see and hear the introduction.
Nancy Foy said her father worked as an actor before landing the job as the announcer and narrator on "The Lone Ranger" radio show in 1948.
Foy was born in Detroit in 1921, graduated from that city's Eastern High School in 1938 and landed a job on the announcing staff of radio station WXYZ in Detroit in 1942. He was drafted into the Army that year and served in an Armed Forces Radio unit in Cairo during World War II.
Foy also performed on radio series including "The Green Hornet" and "Sgt. Preston of the Yukon."
Foy is survived by his wife of 63 years, Frances Foy, their three children and three grandchildren.
The United Nations building in New York City was closed for a few hours, today because of a suspicious odor in the air.
A possible terrorist attack was feared. Well there was no attack. That bad smell was coming from a sewage backup in the nearby East River. The stench was nontoxic.
The sewage backup delayed hearings on human rights resolutions.
Some New Yorkers reportedly thought that the "bad smell" was coming from the U.N. Diplomats.
Country Music Megastar Shania Twain says that she is engaged to the ex-husband of the woman who stole her husband.
Sound confusing?
In case you don't remember (or care) Shania's long time husband ran off with the secretary. Now, a couple of years later, the secretary's husband is engaged to Shania.
The lucky guy is Frederic Thiebaud. Something about this guy must have impressed her, much!
While we wish the couple all the happiness in the world, this all sounds like a bad country song.
The weather has been absolutely crazy! Extreme low temperatures and wintry precipitation have hit the U.S. earlier than anticipated.
Europe has been slammed, too. London and Frankfurt airports have been hit hard.
Our European Bureau Chief, Benny Brown, sends us a photograph of what 2 feet of snow looks like:
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