She was a star.
She is no longer a star in that she is no longer marquis material and certainly not the money earning power of someone like Angelena Jolie.
So Miss Peggy whote a book. She calls it "Breathing Out." I guess the thinking is that if all of us nerds from the 60's and 70's buy the book,she'll do very, very well. (They might even make a movie out of it.) She says that she slept with Paul McCartney and other celebrities including Elvis, but Elvis wasn't able to "rise to the occasion." Did we need to know that? And there's a chapter on "Married Men." Sounds fascinating!

Peggy Lipton - 1969
When I heard about all of this, I thought that something, somehow was missing. I just figured it out. No matter how pretty you once were, no matter how alluring you once were, no matter how hip you were once were, there is absolutely no substitute for CLASS! I'm looking for it, and I want it to be there, but, there is no class here.