Apparently pastrami and cheesecake are high in protien and low in carbs. This falls in line with the Atkins diet. A Florida man, 53 year old Jody Gorran of Delray Beach participated in the national pastime and sued the Atkins folks after his cholesterol shot up from 146 to 230. Gorran felt pain in his chest in the fall of 2003 and underwent an angioplasty to unclog one of his coronary arteries, according the suit. (You may remember the Atkins Diet - carbohydrates like pasta and bread are bad for you and protein is good for you.) The judge said that the Atlkins diet consists of only "advice and ideas" that are protected by the First Amendment.
General Tom says, if you eat too much you will gain weight. If you eat less, you will lose weight. Also it seems that the brain needs carbohydrates.