Howie Mandell is brilliant! Yeah, sure, he's a wise ass - but if you do it with class - it works! Besides, anyone who is on a first name basis with all those models, can't be all bad! And the models, my my. What other TV show has 26 stunning young women dressed in evening gowns? The banker also has a personality, even though we never hear from him. It's basically a fantasy, reality, quiz show There is, however, one thing that can bring the show's popularity to a screeching halt and send its ratings into a nose dive. That one thing is if NBC does what ABC did with "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" - put it on 3, 4, 5 nights a week - it'll over saturate the market. An important part of the TV entertainment business is "always leave the audience wanting more!"
Twice a week is enough.