First it was John Seigenthaler, now it's Stone Phillips - both gone from NBC News. Each was found guilty of making too much money! What about the person or people who agreed to pay these guys "too much money?" More importantly, how much is "too much money?" If your programming is so superior that people "must see" it, the ad revenue will follow! This means that the network makes money even after paying their expensive hunks of beef, in this case, John & Stone. This type of hindsight management interests me.
I was once fired from a radio station in a cost cutting move. My air shift was the only one to increase in ratings. My pay, at the time, was pocket change above minimum wage. (Thanks, Harvey, you did me a favor!)
Back to Seigenthaler and Phillips, don't sweat it, guys. Each of you can write a book and/or teach. I can see thousands of bright eyed journalism students, eager to soak up whatever you have remaining inside you.