My weekend is probably a little different than yours in that I work 6 days, every week. So, my weekend begins Saturday night, after work. My wife and I eat out on Saturday nights. Occasionally we go to Steak 'n Shake. This week the place was half empty. This seemed odd to me since the Terre Haute Air Fair was going on. This is an annual local attraction that has grown in popularity and attracts folks from all over. You wouldn't know it at Steak 'n Shake! It didn't take long to see why the place was half empty. The menus were brand new, complete with brand new prices. Higher prices. 30% higher on my usual. In time people will become accustomed to the higher price. Coupons will become available. In the meantime, the price difference continues to narrow between food at a family restaurant and a fancy restaurant. The trouble with the nicer restaurants in this town is that they do not take reservations and the Saturday night wait is 30-90 minutes or longer.