For as long as I can remember, it's been fashionable to say that there's nothing but junk on TV. This is as true now as it ever was - maybe more so. Don't get me wrong. I like most of what I see on the local news and some of the network and cable newscasts. Much of the Cable news programs seem to try to manufacture news events. This goes a step beyond analyzing events and developments to the point of speculation. There are so many TV channels, now, that a program doesn't seem to need to be as "special" to get aired as it used to be.
Enough of that.
Yahoo ran a story on the Smartest TV Shows of all time. Here's how the list went:
The West Wing
Boston Legal
All In The Family
Mad About You
Smart TV? Yes, compared with anything on E!
The possibilities for GOOD TV are endless. All of these shows were above average, all were huge money makers, but you have to ask yourself, "Could we do better?" Ask yourself that question after watching an episode of "Amnesia" with Dennis Miller.
The TV in the picture is similar to the RCA black & white that I used to watch as a kid. It was crude, had one speaker and was not very dependable, but we saw some great shows on it - like Ed Sullivan, What's My Line, McHale's Navy, almost every Yankees game of a season, Red Skelton, Dean Martin. We didn't need color. Color was what our everyday life had. TV....well, TV was naturally black & white.