Finally, it is illegal to text message while you are driving in Illinois. This is amazing that they had to pass a law, but apparently, some of us are compelled to communicate while operating a motor vehicle. Does this seem arrogant to you? That our safety should be jeopardized so some idiot can send a text message to some other idiot? Apparently the text is more important than our safety. I know, I know, we are all so important! It is vital that we instantly communicate our dire messages to our colleagues!
Actually, it's doubtful that you have anything to say that can't wait until you pull over or finish your driving. I know that I'm a dinosaur, but in the dark ages it was perfectly OK to make a three minute (or less) phone call on a dime...that, basically, got the job done. Do we have anything more important to say, today, than we did in the days of yore? Nope. Probably less.