My my! David Letterman tells the world that he's had sex with female workers of CBS. You know, when you have fame and fortune, you also have, shall I say, opportunities? Yes you become more than just a regular guy. Letterman who is 62 years old should have recognized this. He's been married since March to a woman who is the mother of his 5 year old son. He's been dating her since 1986! There are a couple of things to consider, here. Blackmail is an ugly matter. It's a crime and it should be punished. As far as sleeping around, Dave, there's an old Italian expression...loosely translated it is, "You don't sh*t where you eat!" If you feel that you must do the horizontal mambo, outside of a committed relationship, take it outside of the workplace!
This is a case where everybody involved is wrong - morally but not necessarily criminally. This is proof that Letterman's goofy late night persona is not an act. It's the way he carries himself.