In March, Starbucks will be 40 years old. The company has been wonderfully successful. They have a great product and they easily get a premium price for it. That's why I don't drink it. Don't get me wrong - I love coffee. I drink three cups a day, sometimes more. I brew my own. I have a thermos bottle.
Back to the subject of the post, Starbucks is going to grow their own coffee. If you know anything about business, you'll know that owning and controlling the manufacturing process, together with the retail point-of-sale, is traditionally the best way to maximize profits! Starbucks is going to grow their own coffee beans, in China. Why China? Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says, "We've discovered a part of the area there that can produce the world's best coffee, and in three to four years, we will bring coffee from Yunnan to the world."
Best coffee? Did Howie forget to say, "The cheapest labor?"
I'll stick with my Choc Full O' Nuts.