Her contract is up on June 4th of this year. It will not be renewed. -That's the word from an unnamed executive at CBS News. (Unnamed since he wants to keep his job!)
Putting Couric on the CBS Evening News in 2006 was a bold move - sure to attract viewers who didn't normally watch network news. Initially, her ratings soared through the roof. People started to think that she was actually worth her $15 million/year salary.
Soon after that, her show sank to #3 behind NBC and ABC.
There is speculation that Couric may want to host a syndicated talk show in 2012. Various syndication companies are interested.
As far as a successor for Couric? Russ Mitchell and Scott Pelly have been mentioned. Whoever it is, CBS can save a lot of money by paying a (lower) base salary with bonuses based on ratings increases. This way, they won't have to shell out $15 million a year unless they have a winner!
Putting Couric on the CBS Evening News in 2006 was a bold move - sure to attract viewers who didn't normally watch network news. Initially, her ratings soared through the roof. People started to think that she was actually worth her $15 million/year salary.
Soon after that, her show sank to #3 behind NBC and ABC.
There is speculation that Couric may want to host a syndicated talk show in 2012. Various syndication companies are interested.
As far as a successor for Couric? Russ Mitchell and Scott Pelly have been mentioned. Whoever it is, CBS can save a lot of money by paying a (lower) base salary with bonuses based on ratings increases. This way, they won't have to shell out $15 million a year unless they have a winner!