Mints are supposed to give your mouth a "good taste." At the University of Tennessee Bookstore they were selling a novelty item called Obama Disappoint Mints. A student was bothered by this, so he contacted his state representative! The State Rep, who happens to be a Democrat, visited the bookstore and had them removed. The thinking was that a state supported school should not support such satire of an elected official.
I should point out that the same bookstore sold the George W. Bush Impeach Mints when GW was in office.
Nobody complained.
Is this is unscientific proof that University of Tennessee Democrat students whine more than their Republican counterparts? Or, maybe they don't have a sense of humor or maybe freedom of expression is just not so important, anymore....

I should point out that the same bookstore sold the George W. Bush Impeach Mints when GW was in office.
Nobody complained.
Is this is unscientific proof that University of Tennessee Democrat students whine more than their Republican counterparts? Or, maybe they don't have a sense of humor or maybe freedom of expression is just not so important, anymore....