In an effort to save a few almighty dollars, Kraft Foods has teamed up with Intel to create a machine that will dispense food samples to prospective customers.
Gone is the old lady with the white apron who might be able to offer a smile and answer some questions. Human interaction with the introduction of a new product is me. So you pay an older lady (or an attractive babe) to hand out your wares. What does it cost? $10 an hour?
Instead of asking about the cheapest way to do a job, shouldn't "the suits" be asking, "What is THE BEST (most effective) WAY to do the job?"
Putting the money aside, shouldn't corporate America be focused on results?

Gone is the old lady with the white apron who might be able to offer a smile and answer some questions. Human interaction with the introduction of a new product is me. So you pay an older lady (or an attractive babe) to hand out your wares. What does it cost? $10 an hour?
Instead of asking about the cheapest way to do a job, shouldn't "the suits" be asking, "What is THE BEST (most effective) WAY to do the job?"
Putting the money aside, shouldn't corporate America be focused on results?