Here's the mugshot of actor Ryan O'Neal, who was arrested Saturday morning at his Malibu home and booked on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and negligent discharge of a firearm after a fight with his son, Griffin. He was released after posting $50,000 bail.
Police tell
TMZ that O'Neal, 65, fired at least one gunshot during the scuffle.
Cops say he was booked at the Lost Hills Sheriff's station without incident. He was released at 5:30 AM.
Sheriff sources say that Griffin's 22-year-old, 7 month pregnant girlfriend was "inadvertently" injured at the scene and transported to a local hospital. Sources wouldn't confirm that the injury was a result of the gunshot.
Griffin O'Neal, son of Ryan and Joanna Moore, is also no stranger to the law. The 42-year-old spent 18 days in jail for not performing the community service ordered by a judge who found him guilty of reckless boating in a 1986 accident that killed the son of film director Francis Ford Coppola.
Griffin also has a history of substance abuse. He pleaded no contest to a drunken driving charge in 1989. In 1992, he agreed to spend one year in a live-in drug rehabilitation program after pleading no contest to charges he shot at his estranged girlfriend's unoccupied car.
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