Playboy Magazne has come out with their sexiest celebrity for 2007. It's Scarlett Johansson. Not a bad selection. Of course, I don't agree. But then, my tastes matter little in comparison with Playboy Magazine. They write, "Scarlett Johansson is the apex of beauty and sensuality - from her porcelain skin to her fully feminine figure to her mysterious charisma, which is at once palpable and indefinable." Nice words - perhaps a bit much?

My pick? Are you on the edge of your seat? My pick, if it has to be someone "famous" would be Ursula Mayes, model #5 on "Deal Or No Deal." She looks mighty fine to me...and she can "open a case" like nobody else in the world!
My not so famous pick, doesn't matter - you wouldn't know her anyway, but that's OK. She tells me that she reads this blog.
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