The more things change, the more things stay the same! Before I start with the meat and potatoes of this story, I should point out that I went to college. It was a long, long time ago, but they had fraternities and sororities, even way back then. I rushed a fraternity and didn't see much point in joining. I don't think that it would have been possible to drink any more beer. I already had friends. Oh, I dated a sorority girl, once. She preferred fraternity guys and was very happy when she started dating one! Different things are important to different people. It's a shame because I really liked that girl, she may even have deserved me. She was a Delta Zeta at Indiana University of Pennsyvania. This brings me to our story:
The Depauw University chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority makes national news by evicting many of their members. Among the ousted sisters were the only black, and all those of Asian ancestry and all of their overweight girls. The chapter started with 35 girls. 23 were eliminated. Of the remaining 12, six quit in disgust. Wanna buy a house?The national chapter claims that nobody was kicked out. Fact is, these were the words used in the message to the former DZers: "The membership review team has recommended you for alumna status. Chapter members receiving alumnae status should plan to relocate from the chapter house no later than Jan. 29, 2007." They were kicked out of the house and given $300 each to find housing.
Depauw University is the most expensive college in the state of Indiana. That is fact. Girls, your inflated tuition has just taught you a very valuable lesson in life. Good looks, sex appeal and the ability to "fit in" are important to certain organizations. General's advice: Keep your chins up and keep repeating one of my favorite sayings: "I've been kicked out of better places, before!"
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