Here's another case where everybody's wrong!
I'm watching the Today Show on NBC, this morning and this 18 year old boy is being interviewed, together with his parents and their attorney. They all traveled from Colorado to NYC so that they can be heard on national TV. Do you smell money, here?
The story is that when the boy was 17, he and his teacher, 29 year old Carrie McCandless, had a romance - or an affair depending on who you believe. They text messaged each other more than 70 times on one particular day! She faces sexual assault charges and could do more than a dozen years and be labeled a sex offender, if convicted. She no longer teaches at the school, oh, I should mention that she is married - married to the school's principal!
What does all this mean? Well as a former 17 year old boy, I can tell you that 17 year old boys are capable of making decisions - right ones and wrong ones. The teacher? She screwed up. They're both wrong! They both get an "F" in responsibility. Nobody should get any money. Punnishment? Nothing will be decided immediately. Eventually the punnishment will amount to...nothing. They will each write a book and Lifetime TV will make a movie, Law & Order will make an episode out of this and life will go on.