There's an old joke that when a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.99 a minute.
When Howard Stern talks dirty on Sirius Satellite Radio, it's $500 million.
Folks, Sirius is in serious trouble! In the year 2000 a share of their stock sold for about $65.00. in 2002 that same share of stock was worth less than $1.
Enter Howard Stern and the stock, today, is bouncing around the $3 - $4 range. And Howard? He's still working within his $500 million contract. Talker Magazine says his national pre-Sirius popularity ranking was #1. It is now #12. Fewer people listen to him on Sirius than they did on conventional broadcast radio. It's not Stern's fault. When stupid businessmen make stupid decisions, stupid things will happen. There's talk of XM and Sirius merging. This doesn't speak well for XM. If XM were strong and healthy, they'd simply let Sirius crash on its own.
The answer? I have the answer! Give the people what they want at an affordable price! What do people want? Come on, this is just a damn blog.....