Miss USA was crowned, last night, in Vegas at the Hard Rock Cafe & Casino. She's Crystle Stewart, of Missouri City, Texas. She runs a party-planning and motivational speaking company, and models professionally.
My guess is that the value of stock in her company has recently jumped.
I'm not much on Beauty Pageants. I've judged a couple, on the county level. This can be a difficult job - almost impossible. Miss USA is judged on Swimsuit, Evening Gown and Interview categories.
In Terre Haute, we missed the first 15 minutes of the show as it was pre-empted by live coverage of Barack Obama who was speaking at the Terre Haute North High School Gym. Fascinating guy - he showed up on time, painted a wonderful word picture filled with ideas and promises and left, on time. Then we were switched to Miss USA.
Two different forms of fantasy.