Division title? League Pennant? World Series? Thay're all not important! When it comes to bringing home the bacon, Alex Rodriquez is the top bananna! This year he'll gross $28 million. Tossing around million dollar salary figures is nothig new in Major League Baseball. But, compare A-Rod's $28 million to the mere $21.8 million shared be ALL 33 players on the Florida Marlins opening-day roster + their players on the disabled list!
Some people see this as being obscene. Other's say that he's worth every penny because of the profit generated by his playing in the nation's largest market.
I'd rather see big money go to people who actually create jobs, cure diseases - you know, important stuff.
The equalizer, here, is that when you play in NY, if you don't produce, the fans let you know. I remember Roger Maris getting booed in 1961. He ended up with the season record of 61 home runs that year! If Rodriquez doesn't have a $28,000,000 year, the fans will remind him!