Hillary Clinton returns to Terre Haute, Indiana. Golly she must really care about us - a lot! Actually, she cares about our votes. This time she has an 8PM appearance at a local High School Gym which is located less than a mile from where this blog is being scribbled. At this point all she needs to talk about is the same ol' stuff. Obama is self-destructing with his former pastor's radical rantings. Barack was effective when speaking from a position of strength, now he's desperate, saying stuff like when he was growing up, he was less privleged that other neighborhood boys. (They must have gone to better Ivy League schools) He should be talking about the splendid way that Hillary created and maintained her campaign staff. Possible prelude to the real thing?
The whole thing would be amusing if not for the fact that there's a good chance that one of these misfits will probably be opening their mail at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Hopefully, I'm not rich enough to be affected by either of these two.