The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) represents some 120,000 actors. I'd say that maybe 1% of these are notable zillionaires who you see in People Magazine. The others are trying to chase a buck in a very strange business. This strange business is changing. DVD sales and internet streaming of shows and movies are the issues. The writers pointed this out with their strike. Now, the actors are ready to do the same. These people who make a living playing "make believe" are "playing serious." I feel sorry about the residual effects on the support staff who have no direct ties to SAG. Aside from that, I really don't give a rat's rear end. So, why am I posting this? Because some of you may care. If you do, I'd like to point out that there's nothing like watching a good ballgame - in person or on TV. The worst part of an actors' strike would be the rampant sprouting of lame reality shows. (Lamer than this blog) Stuff that's less-than-worthy of cable TV channels. Oh, well, I guess you can blame all of this on the rising price of gas. If there is a strike, I'll have to come up with a list of activities for you to do - like watch the Don Ameche Marathon on AMC!