I am in favor of progress and the idea of making money. Don't get me wrong, we need to better our work environment, blah blah blah.
I see that a local landmark is scheduled to be destroyed in favor of a parking lot! That's right, a parking lot to serve the new building which will replace another parking lot. (...)

In with the new!~
The new place, a McStructure, will be a three story building and will house the radio stations on a portion of the 3rd floor, but not the TV station. The new place will cost $5.7 million with the city kicking in $375,000. The city is gaga over the new building. Good for them. It shouldn't take long for them to recoup the money through property taxes.

I mention that the old building is in good shape, well, it is, except for the air conditioning system. When I worked there, it was on a part time basis. I've long suspected that full time exposure to the air conditioning in that building caused egos to expand to dangerous levels.
I may be wrong...but I don't think so.