John Fogerty is a legend of rock and roll. His music was important during the late 60's and early 70's. Very hip and very well connected to the social and political crap of that era. This brings me to Thanksgiving's performances in Detroit and Kansas City. First, why have the same act perform at two games in the same day? To prove that it can be done? Dumb! As much as I love Fogerty's music and the CCR songs, a litle variety would have been better. Maybe the N-F-L got a double concert discount?
The thing that bothered me most wasn't that fact that he was tring to look 40 years younger than he is, that's show biz. It was something that I see so much of on TV and it insults me. As Fogerty sang in Detroit and in Kansas City, the stage was surrounded by a tightly assembled groub of kids who were screaming and dancing with their hands in the air. Yeah, right! The cameras should have panned the stands or at least focus on a paying fan who was digging the show! No, instead, they concentrated on the trite group of professional groupies who would probably have preferred listening to any parolled hip hop artist than to the rock & roll hall of famer, Fogerty.
Bottom line, it was great to see Fogerty - great show - despite the promoter's or the nfl's attempt to "dress it up." If you have to work "so much" to dress up the act, maybe you have the wrong act.