There's nothing wrong with making money. You can put me on record for being in favor of making money. HOWEVER, I can only guess the mental state of O.J. Simpson with his book deal and upcoming TV special on FOX. Tacky is the word that comes to mind. Apparently Simpson has nothing to lose and everything to gain by talking about this double tragedy from the somewhat sensational standpoint that "If I did it, here's how..." What about FOX? Are they so hard up for cash that they are willing to be associated with this tacky attempt to win ratings and blood money? Sure, we will talk about it as we usually talk about bizzare things. I'm wondering which corporation will sponsor this trash-cast. A number of stations have already refused to broadcast the program. This is their right! Fox does not own these stations, they simply have a business agreement with them. The TV interview program will receive much hype and media coverage. That's OK, I guess. There's a place for coverage of tacky new developments. Come to think of it, I usually enjoy the sideshow a little more than the circus, itself.
UPDATE: The Fox TV Network has decided to cancel the O.J. Interview show. It was to have aired on two of the final three days of the November sweeps.