I remember, as a kid, at school every class had at least one fat kid. Now, from Wallsent, North Tyneside, England, 300 miles north of London, comes news of an 8 year old boy, Connor McCreaddie, who tips the scales at 218 pounds. This is roughly 3 times the normal weight of a boy his age. Problem? His health! Local social services people were set to meet with his mom, Nicola McKeown, on Tuesday of this week. They're trying to get her to change his diet. There is a chance that the boy could be taken away from her. I'll follow this story...stay tuned!
Update: She gets to keep the kid. Meeting with Social Services, Conner's mom agreeed to whatever she had to - to keep Conner. I can see Jared, the Subway guy, doing a commercial with the kid.
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