The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that the Toyota Prius Hybrid gets 60 miles per gallon in city driving. Truth is closer to 45. Explanation? The government agency goofed! If you are shocked, you haven't spent much time around government workers. I hope they (government workers) bought the Prius, in large numbers, so that they may enjoy their own incompetence. All of this gives new meaning to the saying, "Close enough for government work."
In the car business, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. BTW, don't blame Toyota for the EPA's miscalculation. You can blame Toyota for the much celebrated stalling problem and for the lofty Prius MSRP.
I am waiting for the day when all of the individual independent consumer agencies start investigating each other to see who's doing their homework...or not. Mike Wallace, are you reading this?