Comedians should be funny! There are many types of humor, parody, satire, slapstick, etc. In any of these categories, there is a big difference between being funny and being stupid. Comedian Michael Richards has been around and he should know his craft by now. Doing standup is an invitation for hecklers to do their thing. Every standup has or should have a multitude of "come backs" to any heckler. Sometimes these "comebacks" can be creative and even funnier than the basic act. The point is to make the heckler look like a jerk, a drunk, a low life, etc. Apparently Michael Richards got his wires crossed and made himself look like a jerk, a drunk and/or a low life. He crossed "the line" that no comedian should ever cross. Once he crossed the line, he stopped being funny. The heckle wasn't that bad. I've heard a lot worse. Hearing a recording of his recent act was painful. Then, I went to TMZ.com and saw a video of his act. He was obviously drunk. He said things that should put him on the unemployment line forever! Michael Richards has just become the answer to a trivia question. That's all, you're done, cooked, goodbye!