Pamela Anderson's Chihuahua, Luca is missing. It's not unusual for an pet owner to have a dog run away, is it? Of course, if you are a celebrity, it's much more important! So Miss Pammie has notified the media saying that she thinks the dog may have been stolen. As a public service, I found a picture of Pam and her dog. You must realize that it took hours to find this picture, but as a public service to Miss Pammy, I'm willing to sift through thousands of her pictures. A phone number might be helpful. But then, she would probably get calls that have nothing to do with her dog. Here's an idea, if you want to meet Pamela Anderson, all you have to do is go to the local humane society, adopt a Chihuahua, call the Malibu Police (I didn't know they had police in Malibu until Mel Gibson....) and insist on returning the dog personally! This plan can't miss. Let me know how it worked out for you!