So, the election is over. Who won? I'll tell you who won - local media won! Good God! Christmas came early for local TV, radio and newspapers. It was a mid-term election with local races being run by local candidates who advertised in local media. I watched the local and national election coverage with great interest. What I would like to know is how much does a vote cost? This is hard to determine since nobody seems to know how much is actually spent on various campaigns. In the Indiana 8th Congressional race, loser John Hostettler spent at least $25.00 per vote, probably closer to $50 per. That figure is probably higher for Brad Ellsworth, the winner. I can tell you where the money comes from. It comes, indirectly, from YOU (and from me). It would have been refreshing to hear a political ad that would go something like this, "Hi, I'm Joe Blow. I'm running for office. People say they're tired of hearing nasty political ads. I agree. Vote for me, and if elected, I'll do everything I can to limit the name calling and half truths that are heard daily in commercials which you have, by now, learned to recite verbatum. This message was authorized by me and paid for by people who want to see me in power - who got their money from you." What do you think? Not bad, eh? Less than 30 seconds.
Hey, I gotta go. I almost forgot. I have to fill up my car's gas tank before the prices go up.