You may notice that outside the left margin on this page is a small map of the word with little red dots. By clicking on the map I can see where in the world you are and what story brought you to this blog. I can also view the satellite photograph of your area - or the area where your server is located. The point is...most of the blog's viewers find this place by searching for Pamela Anderson, the Deal or No Deal Banker, or some other timely subject. So, to satisify these types of internet surfers (and myself) I proudly provide you with the following entry:
Over the weekend I saw "House of Wax" on the FX channel. Not exactly my cup of tea but I can't see myself watching those Sunday Morning Infomercials or listening to politicians lie and sidestep questions.House of Wax. Dumb horror movie where the bad guys kill the kids...including Paris Hilton. Watching Paris Hilton get killed turned the show into a comedy...at least for me. But getting back to Elisha Cuthbert. My my! Good actress! I have a link to a YouTube video, below, which highlighs some of her acting ability. It looks like she enjoys her work - so do we...so do we.
Click here for the YouTube Video.