I've got to stop answering my phone on Sundays. During the week I don't have a choice, but on my lone day off, I really don't need to hear any bad news. I got a call from old buddy, Ronn Mott, yesterday, Sunday. I always enjoy talking with Mott. Somewhere above the BS, you always know where you stand with the guy. Well, Ronn gives me some bad news. He's been working at an oldies station in Terre Haute/Rockville for the past ten years and he's been laid off. Others were also let go including Bryan Thomas (Hayden) - another Terre Haute Radio Celebrity and the sales consultant who's been calling on our business for more than 10 years.
Just last week I was listening to Ronn and he made a comment - on the air - that when a business fails, it rots from above - from the top, down. This makes sense. After all, the big shots do the hiring. They do the managing. If they do their jobs correctly, things thrive. If they do not do their jobs correctly, what happens? Ronn Mott gets laid off.
For those of you who don't know who the hell Ronn Mott is, I'll tell you who the hell he is. He's been in broadcasting for 54 years! Ten of those years at WAXI where he was laid off. The anal cavities who laid him off were not even born when Ronn was knockin' 'em dead at KIOA in Des Moines as Ronn Pepper. Here's a picture of Mott from '62.
Ronn, sorry, man. I've been where you are now - more than once. That's why I left radio. You were WAXI's best weapon in the fight against XM and the satellite jukeboxes.
Idea! -> Let's watch WAXI slide a little further and buy it! I'm thinking that we won't have to wait long!