On the right is the April cover of Vogue Magazine. That's the NBA's LeBron James posing with Gisele Bundchen. This upsets some people. Actually, this upsets a lot of people.
Sorry, I don't see anything upsetting in this picture. I see two highly paid celebrities, each doing what they are famous for doing.
The cover picture on any magazine is designed to do one thing and one thing only, sell the damn magazine. The fact that James is the first black man to appear on Vogue's cover and that he's with one of the most beautiful white women in the world,.....so? The story which is linked to the cover is about super models and atheletes. Yes, we see two races on the cover, we also see mixed races in Old Navy TV commercials. I thought that by now racial differences were no longer a big deal...for those of us in the human race. Is Vogue trying to sell us something or are they reporting on a new trend? Are we supposed to be intimidated by LeBron? (or Gisele?) Are we supposed to imagine them doing the horizontal mombo? Who cares? (Isn't love beautiful!) Perhaps Gisele can do for LeBron's career what she did for Tom Brady's.