This time around, Hillary is history. What happened? She had the nomination wrapped up 16 months ago! Basically, here's what happened. She presented an "edge" to the public which was not very becoming. I don't think she ever showed up for an appearance on time. This is important to me. It shows arrogance...and poor planning. Your president should be a good planner and if you want my vote, you should not be arrogant about it. She seemed to make it up as she went along..."dodging bullets in Bosnia" made her a joke. It also made her unbelievable. Regardless of her possible qualifications, how can you vote for someone you can't believe in? Yeah, she got 17 or 18 million votes. How many of those came from racists? or feminists?
Then there was Saturday's speech where she officially withdrew from the race and offered her full support to Obama. She may as well phoned in that speech. Excuse me, I sell cars, I can smell "phony." Whether it's in a sound bite or in it's entirety, phony is phony. Sweetie, honesty would have gotten you more votes. As they say, "If you can fake sincerity, you've got if made!"