Diane Sawyer is interviewing Diane Keaton, this morning, on Good Morning America and a few minutes into the conversation, Keaton says that if she were as beautiful as Sawyer she wouldn't have to work on her f-ing personality and she'd be married. Fact is, Keaton has never been married.
Maybe she should work on her f-ing vocabulary.
The FCC.....You know for a long while I doubted if there really was an FCC, until Janet Jackson did her little dance with Justin Timberlake during the Super Bowl halftime ditty....well, the FCC is "stammering" on this one. To ABC's credit, they bleeped out the offense on their Central, Mountain & Pacific feeds. I say that if there is a fine, ABC should force Diane Keaton to pay it.
It all comes down to common sense. Clearly Diane Keaton doensn't have any. She was sitting under bright lights, in front of a couple ot live TV cameras and she was wearing a mic. Such a situation calls for a certain poise that people with half a brain can muster up. Having eked out a living for many years in broadcasting, I have learned that you don't drop the F-Bomb in front of your mother, any member of the clergy, respectable women and certainly not on live network TV!
Diane Keaton is an idiot.