Saint Louis Rams owner and chairman Georgia Frontiere has died following a long illness. She was 80.
The obits for her are all over the internet. I could copy and paste some of the more relevant facts about this lady's life, but why? I mean why duplicate? I can tell you that Miss Georgia led a full life. She was married 7 times. Widowed at least twice. Left her hometown of St. Louis eloping at age 15. Her first husband was killed in WWII. She learned to marry well and acquired ownership of the NFL Rams the old fashioned way - she inherited it from a late husband. That husband would be Carroll Rosenbloom. There's a story that Georgia, a famous Miami dancer, was introduced to Rosenbloom by Joseph P. Kennedy in the late '50's. Rosenbloom had made his fortune by selling uniforms to the U.S, Army durnig WWII. He owned the Baltimore Colts which he basically swapped for the Los Angeles Rams. Rosenbloom was a big time gambler. Many think that his drowning death was not an accident, rather payback for some huge gambling debts. This is where Georgia comes into the picture. She takes over the team and did what no pro sports franchise owner should ever do. I trust that she is in "hot water" with St. Peter, right now, for moving the Rams from Los Angeles to St. Louis!
Georgia did may nice things for the communities of St. Louis and LA. She will forever be famous as the first female owner/operator of an NFL Franchise.