Miss America Pageant is on tonight. This year the festivities air on TLC, last year it was CMT. You would think that in the middle of a wirters' strike that a major broadcast network would want to showcase an annual event like this. Not so. First, scheduling probably took place long before the Writers Guild's job action. Apparently NBC is happy to air a women's figure skate competition. CBS has a couple of 48 Hours Mysteries, Fox has two installments of COPS followed by America's Most Wanted. ABC? I couldn't find tonight's schedule on their web site! I Googled "ABC Schedule" and found the 2004 Fall Lineup!
This all brings me to my point. Shows that I think should be shown on cable channels are finding themselves on the broadcast networks. Meanwhile, network worthy shows like "Miss America" are being banished to the cable outlets.
By the way, the picture is of Lauren (nice abs) Nelson, Miss America 2007.
What will General Tom be watching tonight?
I'll be listening to Cousin Brucie on Sirrius.