OK, it's January 4th and I'm finally getting around to my New Year's Message. I'm aware that I do not have the power to change much of the world, but I can, in some small way and so can you. You can decide to do whatever you want, I don't really care. Me? Thanks for asking! If I were a real celebrity I could talk about not acting as insane in 2008 as I did in 2007. Or, I could talk about doing stuff that the regular "Joe Six-Pack" could never dream of doing. Instead, I plan to get more haircuts in 2008. A little more sleep would also be nice. I also plan to do a lot of painting, you know, general upkeep around the house. Weight is not a problem with me. Maybe because I keep physically active and I don't eat like a pig. I also plan to spend less time around loud blowhards. This may mean fighting the BS, but I'm up to it. This includes our national politicians! I plan on listening, very little, to our Presidential Candidates. The only reason that their mouths are moving is to get votes. They will say anything to make you feel good enough to vote for them. Otherwise, they'd stay at home and count their money.
Thanks for reading this. I'll have a better post, soon.