Today's the day! It's the deadline for filing your Federal & State income tax. It should be a paid holiday - only for tax payers! I don't mind paying tax. What I do mind is watching my tax money wasted. Wasted on politician's pet projects, wasted on lazy people who know that they will be taken care of. Wasted period. Federal, State, Local - you're all guilty of waste.
This year, there'e the economic stimulus rebate where we all get $600. We are reminded to file so we can get the money. Folks, let's take a look at this $600. Divide 600 by 52 and you get....that's right.....$11.54. $11.54 a week! If this is a lot of money to you, then you must be one of the lazy people who we are "taking care of" through various government programs.
If you want to stimulate the economy, why not lower taxes so we have more money to spend - every week?
Folks, I'm not normally a religious nut, but I can assure you that GOD is watching. He has a special place reserved for those of you who are desecrating my paycheck.