Monday, May 30, 2011

Avril Lavigne Drops F-Bomb On Tampa Bay

Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne did a live show, this weekend at the Tampa Bay Ray's Tropicana Ball Park. When she started, her mic didn't work. She sang the song, anyway and when she found a live mike, she dropped the F-Bomb to an audience of baseball fans in a supposed "family setting."

The Rays issued a formal apology for the profanity.

My question is why would the Rays hire Avril Lavigne, in the first place. I have a video clip of the offensive language followed by proof of the impressive lack of talent radiating from Miss Lavigne. The F-bombs fall at the very beginning...

This woman is proof that a strong record company can turn any reasonably attractive, whiny voiced female into a superstar!  In the spirit of Paris Hilton, Avril is famous for being famous.

Sad and confusing why people spend good money on this crap.