Isn't this special! Jane Fonda is on the Today Show talking about her involvement in the "Vagina Monologues" and she utters a slangy word thant starts with the letter "c" and rhymes with what you do on fourth down & 10 to go. Yeah, she was there to promote the show and herself and, well, whatever.
I see a trend, here. A couple of weeks ago on "Good Morning America" Diane Keaton dropped the "F-bomb." HEY! Live TV is not new for these old bags! They know 2 things! #1. If they use a socially unacceptable word, they will get national attention. #2. They will not be punished - in any way!
If producers and networks are really concerned about offending thier audiences, they will award a ban on these self serving celebs. Both Fonda and Keaton are established Hollywood icons, but personally, a ban on either or both would be OK with me. And this goes for trashy Janet's wardrobe malfunction, too. NBC apologized for Fonda's poor choice of words. Aside from the butt-covering apology, it's business as usual.