Wednesday, February 27, 2008

SPAM - It's Branching Out

Like most of us, I get my share of spam. Most of it is is for low cost medication, physical, er, enhancement, stock market know. I got one today selling tips to testifying in court! Here's the body of the e-mail:

WHEN: Tuesday, April 8, 2008
TIME: 11am - 12pm Eastern Time
WHERE: Anywhere You Can Dial a Phone
COST: $199 for as many people as you can fit around your phone
- The 7 most common reasons for poor testimony and how to fix them.
- The truth about jurors: what they expect from a small business owner/manager (the good, the bad and the ugly) and how that matters to you.
- The proper techniques for overcoming stubborn stereotypes and jurors' preconceived ideas. Make the choice to reinforce or dispel them.
- Make jurors see you as the good guy in the workforce. Win jurors over before you ever even take the stand or are deposed.
- What makes for credible, confident self-presentation: Hint – body language is important!
- How to survive the shark-infested waters of cross-examination. 5 ways to help prevent lawsuits in the first place!
- And more.

Now, if only they could get a product endorsement from Judge Judy!