I've been know to kid around on this blog. It's not usual that I address a serious subject, but here goes.
This happened yesterday and I was told about it only a few minutes ago. Customers, man and wife, came to the dealership where I work. They told our finance manager that their daughter recently died. The daughter suffered a fatal heart attack, at home. Her five year old son was alone in the house with her when this happened. A full day later, the woman's father and mother came to the house and discovered what had happened. The five year old boy was lying on the sofa. He told his grandparents that he had not been alone - that "angelman" had been with him all the time. He explained to the boy that mommy had a heart attack and that grandma and grandpa would be there soon and that everything would be alright! As I said, the grandparents were in the dealership yesterday and they told this story to our finance lady, adding that the boy had a faint glow surrounding him when they found him. The glow would be some kind of symbol of protection. It vanished when the grandparents picked the boy up.
Like I say, I'm not a big fan of the paranormal and neither is our finance lady.
This was not a common situation for the boy. Perhaps an uncommon remedy was provided?