My wife and son and I had been going to the same church for 18 years. That's 18 years - every Sunday! During that time, all three of us played active, visable roles within various projects involving the church community.
We haven't attended services at that church for more than a year and today, I was reminded why.
A former, fellow churchgoer bought a relatively expensive SUV at our dealership, today, from another salesman! This happened four times within the time span of a single year which originally prompted me to find another church, or at least another congregation.
Is it a mystery that car salespeople work on COMMISSION? Would the Christian (CHRIST-like) thing to do be to seek out a fellow parishonner? They know where I work and what I do. Every week for 18 years, remember?
Like I say, I have no trouble with the church. It's the people, and I have no use for these people. Don't get me wrong, I don't go to church to "sell cars." Thank God (yes, this is the same God from church) I can make a decent living selling to strangers.