I had to search hard for this one! I guess we don't have enough laws on the books. Read on...
ST. CHARLES, Mo. (AP) — What the ...? A St. Louis-area town is considering a bill that would ban swearing in bars, along with table-dancing, drinking contests and profane music.
City officials contend the bill is needed to keep rowdy crowds under control because the historic downtown area gets a little too lively on some nights.
City Councilman Richard Veit said he was prompted to propose the bill after complaints about bad bar behavior. He says it will give police some rules to enforce when things get too rowdy.
But some bar owners worry the bill is too vague and restrictive, saying it may be a violation of their civil rights.
Marc Rousseau, who owns bar R.T. Weilers, said he thinks the bill needs revision.
To me, the solution is simple, actually, it's the American Way! Raise the price of drinks. This will keep the riff raft out and keep the fiscally responsible from drinking too much.
OK, seriously, if this is really a problem, the bar owner should know about it. The bottom line is that the bar owner will do whatever is necessary to increase business. This is another problem that will take care if itself.